Race, Human Rights and International Law

Thursday, 17 October 2013

'Troubled' Prince Harry's Girlfriend Unmasked as Secret Sex Freak Gang-banger Who Offered Sex for Votes at University Whilst Wearing Superwoman Outfit.

The two men above are convicted felons Mario Daniel McDonald and Joseph Wayne Edwards.
Happy customers.
Here are some of prince Harry's girlfriend's,

 Cressida Bonas, special Gang-banger 
student  'mates' that she  offered 
'special favours' to for Votes.
She knows the score!

Cut: Set in a fictional university college, Trinity, was filmed at Royal Holloway, University of London, but was axed when the 1.2million viewers who tuned into the first episode abandoned the show
Cressida Bonas (circled). 
Cressida and her friends 
"Put out the cry" on a Bull-horn, 
to broadcast their sexual talents
for gang-banging, mass orgy sessions.
Below: From the Marion County Sheriff's Department' press release....
Cressida Bonas likes Gangbangers.
Evidence shows that prince Harry's girlfriend,
is no sexual prude. She is known for public
sex  performances, knowing prison bad-boys
who have  group Sex and who do drugs for 

cheap kicks. 

In this picture published in Now Magazine, she is seen stroking the chest of a half-naked man
Cressida Bonas. 
Said to be an exhibitionist who happily gives
blow-jobs to boyfriends in front of 'friends'.

In this picture Cressida appears close to smooching another blonde on a night out
Cressida Bonas (on the left).
Swinging Party animal 'Cressy' Bonas, likes to experiment with substances and girls.
Prince Harry has a type and red-blooded, bohemian blonde who likes a drink and a fag and a knees-up
Prince Harry. he's loving it.
Is prince Harry a secret perverted Voyeur?!

Red faced: Prince Harry's girlfriend Cressida Bonas appeared dressed in a Superman-style cheerleader outfit for tawdry ITV2 show Trinity
Cressida Bonas.
Shock-waves have gone around the royal family
as it has been discovered that prince Harry's
secret girlfriend, sexual Tiger, Cressida Bonas,
has been offering secret gang-banging sessions
to  groups of white university students whilst
wearing a 'Superwoman' outfit. Her costume
implies that she has the special gift of being
able to go on and on and on and on having 

sex without a break!