Race, Human Rights and International Law

Wednesday 7 December 2016

"Black BREXITEERS" Rule OK. Black English People Want Brexit - Every Black Man and Woman in Britain Needs to Support Britain's Exiting From the Super-Racist, White Supremacist, Anti-Black, European Union (EU).

A growing cabal of  smart-minded, Black English people, born, working, surviving and living, in Britain, are now realising that to free themselves from racism, white supremacy and slavery, they MUST support the political position of supporting Brexit.

Black people must stop being led by the nose, like slaves, and start to think in an independent way, that is in the interest of their owns, and in the interest of their own children.

Enough of depending on the white woman and white man. Everything that these people have done' for and on behalf of Black people, has led to the death of the Black community; the destruction of the Black community, the genocide of the Black English community and the advancement, upliftment of every sexual deviant & pervert; racist policeman paramilitary; anti-Black racist, judicial freak, murderer and child-raping child-molester, and white woman-beater-rapist.

How many times have you entered a shop and the staff are shocked to see a Black person, in the place, who they can not falsely accuse of being either a thief or a stranger without the means or the prospects of affording to buy even the most basic of their products?

For my own part, it appears that I have 'transitioned' to a place, where I prima faecie have suddenly appeared to be accepted.

I know that this is simply by dint of surviving the 'experience' of the racist white man and white woman.

The thing is, that once they discover that I engage in adult politics, and am an intelligent Black woman, who rightly, supports Brexit, all hell breaks loose.

God forbid, I have let down the side, and never voted for the Labour party, or any of their crooked politicians, who try to masquerade as non-corrupt humans.

I constantly find that I make invisible signs of the cross over myself, at the very idea, that the only way I will ever 'succeed' in politics, or being 'allowed' to be involved in politics, is, as in the same vein as Miss Diane Abbott, or the then, babykins intern Monica Lewinsky, I should show 'commitment' to the cause, by sacrificing myself and fucking a white man.

Imagine political chagrin, a pretty lady, such as myself, has spoilt my own opportunities, by not being a lesbian, not being a sexual deviant, i.e. a Dominatrix, not being a gold-digger, or some privileged, sick-in-head, sod's "Mistress".

I am happy to tell the world, that I, can not 'do' a Camilla", i.e. the woman who 'married', prince Charles, the prince of Wales, who some still see, as a gold-digging,  ugly, horse-faced, "Mistress", of an elderly man, who is suffering from insanity.

In other words, Camilla Parker Bowles, aka Britain's future  Queen, and the Duchess of Cornwall.

I mention these things, because these matters have a direct impact on the opportunities and human rights of all Black English people, and the 2 billion people living across the world, within the Commonwealth.

Imagine, what it would be like to be the community that could sensibly decide who could be the prime minister of Britain, and even when the right 'full-Black' person could get the job.

Alas, these special powers are presently being abused by the Black community, out of silly ignorance, lack of education and self-interest, and plain old-fashioned short-termism and stupidity.

Let us go further, and now imagine, that we have collectively seen the light.

The half-castes are not going to 'save' us.

The red-skin brigade, are not going to 'save' us.

The racist white woman is not going to 'save' us, (as, the crazy, and white-woman-loving, self-hating, negro, 'nut', Kanye West has found out to the cost of his sanity and well-being).

Confused, worthless, useless Black men,  who secretly sleep with women, other than their wives , and who especially 'sleep' with white women, are especially not equipped to address these issues around white and white Jew and Catholic racism against full-Black English people.

Getting a handle on things and accepting full responsibility of political participation, will.

Britain, getting out of the Uber-racist, white supremacist, perverted, freak supporting European Union will.

When will Black people learn, that they must start to take an interest in their own advancement and their own education.

Has 'any' sensible Black person every asked, why are there no Black judges, architects, solicitors, barristers, dentists, doctors, or universities run by sensible, full-Black-loving , dark-skinned Black people?

Please do not patronise me and tell me that there are...such and such a Black solicitor, etc.

Most are useless, the white man's slave and bitch, and are not capable of 'doing' anything worthwhile, without the blessing of either the white man, and especially the racist white woman.

Take an example, my computer recently came a cropper and needed repairing.

I foolishly took the word of a Nigger, and was directly to what he described as a 'black' computer repair shop.

What a mistake.

I found myself in a world of racial insanity, after I had crossed the shop's threshold.

The business was 'peopled' by a bunch of Nigger black men slaves.

And would you believe it, their slave-mistress, was a fat, sluttish, red-haired, Polish, Eastern European woman, who has a deep, and healthy disrespect for full-Black women, and children.

The name of the game, was the 'Faginesque' practice of using other 'blacks' to draw in their innocent quarry, and then for this Polish slut, to take financial advantage of the poor black victim, who by then, has handed over their most precious computer.

'Extra' faults are then discovered, and 'extra' equipment 'needs' to be ordered from "China" that will cost the patient an arm and a leg.

All this extra "Black" money, is then sent to these uber, racist Eastern European countries, to build their houses, and to benefit, some more racist white men and women, in Europe.

Not one of these racist "Europeans" give a shit about Black people, or their upliftment of advancement.

But that does not stop the slave-minded, black believing, that if they just hand over their money to the white man and woman, if they just bow down low enough to the white man and woman, and even i they allow the white man to fuck them in the arse enough times, then somewhere, somehow, the white man and especially the racist, white "European Unionite" will somehow come to 'love' them.

I am here to tell, all the black fools who have tried a tested this philosophy, that it was never meant to work, and will never work.

The only thing that will work, will be for Black people to grow up, take responsibility, tell all the freaks and perverts in the village to fuck off, and to get stuck into things and hold the handle tight.

The only way is to fully back BREXIT, tell any delusional fool who wants you to jump off the cliff like a Black lemming, and to go and take a flying leap and  high jump, on top of broomstick, or that stray dog, kept by the RSPCA, at Battersea Dogs Home.

Don't ask me, which dog, take your pick!

Let us get rid of the blacks who are so slow and old-world, third-world, Niggerish, that fucking a white person, going with a red-skinned person or even indulging in child-abuse-rape or woman-beating, is just NOT the way to go.

Start reading the newspapers, start listening to the news, start, noticing that all the Supreme Court Judges are white, old, Europhiles, with the 'main man' being  a white, anti-Black, Black-hating Jew.

Notice what the politicians are saying that has your interests at the core.

Notice the faces that are advising you to jump of the cliff, whilst they and their children get rich, gain lucrative positions and advance, fast-track, to the 'upper echelons of society and the Establishment.

And even more importantly, notice what happens when you hold your own future in your hands and start taking positive actions to get a grip on your own lives and your children's lives.

Start to notice how the white man, through their councils and councillors, try to take you off the prize, by "giving you something to do", for example, notice, when you  start backing BREXIT, how, you make get a suddenly, extremely high gas, electric, council tax, rent bill out of the blue.

Bills that you know you never had before, and never owed.

Notice also, that you may start being watched by the police, as you go about your lawful business outside, or you may have the local librarian 'staring' at you, if you ask to see something on the "European Union" or "Brexit".

Don't worry, these are the remainers, with their terrorist scouts, doing their works to try and intimidate the public into backing the remain argument.

You must stand firm.

BREXIT is the only way, that you will every be FREE as a Black person in Britain.

BREXIT is the only way that Black people will ever be respected in Europe and across the world.

The con-artist, Obama, can't and won't help you, but you can.

Join or get in touch will a BREXIT group near you.

You don't need to go and meet them, but let it be known that you have a strong interest and that you know of other "Black BREXITEERS".

Sunday 20 July 2014

Shocking All-White, Racist Investigatory Powers Tribunal (IPT) RIPA Royal Courts of Justice Discrimination and Racism Judicial discussion, Locks out Black People from Mass Surveillance Legal Action Against UK Government.

This week, the Investigatory Powers Tribunal held their first public hearings, to discuss a case regarding the UK government's, Secret Security Service's  use and abuse of Mass Surveillance tools to secretly "Watch" innocent members of the Black-English community, without them being aware.

I was shocked to find that I was the one and only Black-English present at these hearings that started on the week of the 14th July 2014 onwards.

First of all, to find the place, was a task on a par, with setting off on an expedition to the North pole.

I was informed many times, that Royal Court of Justice staff, either did not know what the Investigatory Powers Tribunal was, or they simply did not believe that it even existed.

RCJ staff went through court lists, made telephone calls, to each other, and looked bamboozled at the very name of this very important Tribunal, headed by Mr Justice Burton.

Eventually, with me adding several clues to the puzzle, we worked out the very court room that held the IPT.

The hearing, revolved around a case being brought against the racist British government, by Liberty, (yes, that Liberty organisation who, under its earlier guise of the National Council for Civil Liberties, actively promoted and backed paedophilic organisation called PIE - The Paedophile Information Exchange - and now called Liberty, the anti-Black, racist organisation), and Privacy International, and others.

Their case is that the racist British governmnent, are using illegal mass surveillance powers, to abuse the public's human rights, and to take advantage of the public's ignorance.

I attended the hearings, at the Rolls Building, of the Royal Courts of Justice, because, as a representative of the Black-English community, I represent  the only Black presence in the room.

In my view, if you're not there, (at the Investigatory Powers Tribunal), you're square. I was not wrong, I was the only Black person in the room.

Interestingly, there was a anti-Black, racist, half-caste, barrister, called Matthew Taylor, representing one of the parties in the action.

I got the distinct impression, that he was parading about the place, before, I arrived, as the "Black face" in the room. He appeared to be the comfort zone for the all-white supremacist, 5-white-person judge panel, as well as the all-white barrister, and 'court' clerk brigade, used to support our mysterious judicial panel.

Here was I, in the middle of one of Britain's top court-houses, listening to one of the heaviest subjects on the planet, and there were no Black people except me.

I scoped the room, and those in the 'public' area, plus their 'mates', in the body of the 'court' (tribunal), appeared to be part of the same "Chumocracy", sharing the same jokes with the all-white, racist judges, from the same social, economic, elite educational and ignorant background, to the exclusion of ALL others.

It was an extremely upsetting and disturbing sight.

It appeared that some in the room, seemed to get upset, when they realised, that I had not come to admire, a bunch of racist, white supremacists, "lording it" over the poor ignorant public, but was quite OK with the legal jargon, and the references to policy, government legislation, and even the fine detail that was being discussed, by these all-white members of this "Elite 'In' Club".

God-help any member of the public who had heard about the IPT on the BBC, on the radio, or in the press generally. You would have certainly been at a total loss of 'locked-out' of the process, by the technical language.

The RIPA or Regulatory Investigatory Power Act, is not only complicated for any solicitor or barrister to understand, but, the fact, that it is used as 'cover', pretext or protection tools, for the UK government's racist, anti-Black, and illegal mass communication surveillance, (e.g. looking at your emails, telephone calls, television viewings, skype use, medical files, housing., council tax, criminal records, etc), techniques, would be one big shock to people if they ever discovered the full use of these "powers"to invade every part of the Black public's life.

There are no parts of a Black-English person's life that the insane white, man, (and their Black enablers), will not dare to invade, without you knowing.

They (the whites supremacist 'elite' trash), have so little respect for Black peoples' dignity and humanity , that they do not believe that Black people are human and so, therefore, do not have the 'human right' to "privacy".

Instead, for many, many decades, the British government, through most of their judges, government ministers, and civil servants, and secret security services, (MI5 & MI6, GCHQ and Special Branch), have been secretly "Watching" Black-English people, on behalf of people like the paranoid schizophrenic, prince Charles, (with his 'right' to veto all government laws, bills, regulations, guidances, codes, practices, etc), to his own financial advantage.

When the term, "National Security", is bandied about, what the British government, are really talking about "defending", is not the interests of the 'People' (Public), (hence, all these ongoing British Elite paedophile scandals, that have been covered up by the British government, via the MI5, MI6, GCHQ, and Special Branch, etc), but to cover the backs of the "Establishment" and the "Power Elite".

The only time 'Ordinary' people do not feature in this equation, is as "Defendants", "Threats" and "Blacks" as perceived "criminals", and "Terrorists".

Hence, the British goverment have been 'practicing' their mass surveillance on Black people from morning.

Most Black-English people can tell of times they have been on the telephone, and heard, 'odd' noises, in the background. Some can even tell tales of hearing the conversations of secret security operatives, explaining terminologies or slang terms used by those in conversation.

It is only when the Black-English person makes it known that the security GCHQ operative can be heard in the background, that members of the public, hear a "click" and their telephone line, goes back to "normal".

Now, we have the internet, and mobile telephones, things are even worst for the public.

Mass surveillane in the UK has gone mad!

No one is safe. Especially if you are communcating, whilst being Black.

Call me fussy, but Black-English people should start paying attention to the Investigatory Powers Tribunal (formed on the back of the RIPA law). This is something that could cause you to be raided by the police, raided by the secret security services, Disappeared from your home, on the back of false information being fostered against you by racist, white-supremacist, secret security services agents, who hate, Black people, or even, cause, genocides, and racial cleansings to be "justified" by the UK government, who want to falsely claim, that all Black-English people are of "Bad Character", (a legal term that can cause you to be given a longer prison sentence, if a defendant, or to be falsely accused of a crime, even if you are an  innocent law-abiding person).

Remember the names, RIPA and the Investigatory Powers Tribunal (ITP).

I have one question, where are all those 'black' men, who claim they "Defend"? Busy, screwing their white approved social-workers, or white 'nurses', looking to offer "support" to these useless, self-hating Niggers.

Black people, it is time, that we both take an interest, and act as adults, in terms of Laws and legislation that directly affect our lives.

RIPA, is came about as a tool to attack the Black-English community, by the British government. Least we forget, many of our people lost their lives fighting for "the Motherland" of England, only to be insulted for their pains, by being treated under counter-terrorists laws, as "terrorists" and "dark strangers".

Unlike the asians, (who take an interest in their own lives and in things that will increase their communities economic power in parliament), Black-English people appear to be slap-dash and even lazy where these things are concerned.

This "crab-in-a-barrel" mentality has to stop.

Where are our solicitors, where are our barristers, where are our special Advocates (apart from me), etc?

Enough is Enough!

Its time Black-English people stop joking, and get real.

Friday 7 February 2014

Open Letter Requesting the Resignation of former Lambeth Councillor, John Bercow, Speaker of the House of Commons, Regarding the Sexually Disgusting Exhibitionism and Dishonourable Conduct of his Wife Sally Bercow, and her Sickening Stalking Predatory Behaviour Towards Black English Men.

Rt. Hon. Mr John Bercow MP
The Speaker of the House of Commons
Speaker’s House
House of Commons

Dear Mr Bercow

I am writing to you in a state of shock and severe concern about the mental stability of your wife, and her most recent unbecoming behaviour. I apologise ahead of time, for the fact, that I have to use the type of language I would not normally use, but, is appropriate, here, within the limitations of this distasteful, but serious discussion.

As you can see below, I have enclosed a most disgusting picture that appeared on the front page of the Sun newspaper, and another smaller version, within the pages, of the Evening Standard, yesterday.

As, of today, (Wednesday 5th February 2014), I understand, that there are several other abhorrent photographs circulating around London, showing your wife, in various states of dress and undress, as well as showing her  displaying all sorts of crude sexual manoeuvres with men who are not you, her husband. The public have been startled and sickened to the point of great distress and trauma.

As you can see for yourself, from the front page of the Sun Newspaper above, your wife, has been photographed in the clutches of an unknown black man, who is clearly not you, a white man and the Speaker of the House of Commons.

Your wife, can been seen, with her hands all over this unknown black man's chest, after she has finished caressing and massaging his private parts  to orgasm. 

One can also see that she has her left hand over and around this unknown black man's right shoulder and neck, where we, the public, can clearly see the wedding and engagement ring you gave to her, as an earnest sign of your betrothal to her, and the public sign of a commitment to marriage.

Gay Marriage, of which you have several times, publicly stated in your role as Speaker of the House of Commons, that you are committed to, and you actively promote, through your crest.

Mr Brecow, even though the public can clearly see in the picture, that this is your wife, we are confused, since, her hair appears to be a brunette colour, and slanted, in an odd direction, more towards one side, and the back of her head. We are now asking, whether or not your wife is wearing a wig, and if so, why would she be wearing a wig in the middle of the night, in an area, well known for the activities of prostitutes and rent boys.

Unless, your wife, has suddenly dyed her hair, an odd shade of brown, or has suddenly decided that she has a drive to wear an broken wig, the public, are at a loss, as to why your wife would want to hide herself from the public, at 2 am in the morning, if she has done nothing wrong. 

For my part, I have heard, that the only reason why a woman would want to wear a wig, is to either disguise who she really is, or to betray her husband by taking part in swingers parties, and large-scale orgies, where she can freely distribute her sexual appetites, between, several men, whilst her husband is watching.

I do not know the technical name for this medical condition, but, I understand that it is a strand of exhibitionism in the form of candaulism and hybristophilia.

Mr Bercow, I appreciate that this is a difficult letter to read, but I must go on a little more, to emphasise the shockwaves your wife, has sent out, throughout the world.

Mrs Bercow, has in the past, shown that she has a less than strong grasp of reality, and the effect she has on the public perception of you, in your role as Speaker of the House of Commons. She also has a lack or understanding and appreciation, of how she is seen when she steps into the public gaze, through her television and media appearances and comments. Mrs Bercow, has been an undoubted and unmitigating disaster,as a representative of parliament, as the Mother of all parliaments, and in her position as an unwitting role model for mothers and wives all over the country.

I do not watch these things, but I have heard, that Mrs Bercow, has been filmed and shown on television, cleaning the hut of an Irish gypsy man, who,  I have been informed, promotes polygamy. This gypsy man, should not have been able to, much less allowed to, treat your wife, as a domestic or sexual slave, for his cheap kicks.

Mrs Bercow, has said, several times, that she has problems, and finds life difficult to cope with, and is an alcoholic. I am no expert in these things, but as I understand things, alcoholics are also, often, drug-addicts or strong cannabis abusers. The combination of alcohol and class A and B drugs, then contributes, to these individuals to display, uncontrolled behaviours, that include, jumping up and down, exposing, their private parts, making outrageous and unjustified statements, and not caring how they affect the public or their loved ones.

Mrs Bercow, appears to fit the description above.

The public, only have to look at the front page picture from the Sun newspaper, to know, that Mrs Bercow, needs some help from a specialist in drug and alcohol abuse and a psychiatrist who is concerned with sex addiction.

Therefore, in the light of your wife's open, and certain, public disintegration, and shattered personality, I am now asking you to resign, for the sake of the country, parliament, yourself and your unfortunate wife.

If, I am reading the stories about your wife's most recent escapades, correctly, it is implied, that she spent the whole night in repugnant sexual congress, with men, who clearly will not hesitate in taking advantage of a woman, who, the public, now believe, has a severe mental impairment - namely your wife - Mrs Sally Bercow.

Since, I have never taken drugs, or been an alcoholic, I do not know, what mental or physical torment, Mrs Bercow, is experiencing or needs addressing.

However, as her husband, I take it, that you have been aware, that she has been seen, exposing her gusset to the cameras, whilst she was inebriated in the back of a taxi cab.

It was reported, that something or someone had offended her, at a Gay event, she had been forced to attend, at the Royal Courts of Justice, on the Strand, in London.

In those pictures, Mrs Bercow, is seen, making a disgusting finger movement, (gesture), with her middle finger, which I have been told, means, "finger me". As explained to me, this term means, that Mrs Bercow, was inviting members of the paparazzi to take turns to use their middle finger to fondle her vagina.

Mr Bercow, we all have our crosses to bear, and yours is an afflicted one. 

As a nun, and a Christian Rasta woman, who is totally unfamiliar, with your wife's full medical condition, I would implore you, to take your wife away to a safe and secure place, for medical treatment, and care. 

It must be a heavy burden, to know, that your wife is in such an unsafe mental state, that she is unaware of how her behaviour is perceived by all decent people across Britain and the world. 

I believe, that it is in the best interest of parliament, and the country if you resign, and take your wife on a permanent holiday, away from the glare of publicity and television cameras.

Your wife, is certainly making it clear, that she has been dissatisfied, with you, and your children for some years now. Please, believe me, when I say, that you would be seen as a reasonable man, if you took this God-given opportunity, to regenerate your family life, and your friendship, with Jesus your Christ, and the almighty.
Sally Bercow with mystery man
You must see this as a positive step forward, and not in the negative light, that it is shown, in the picture above.

The unknown black man, must be traced, by you, so that you may sit down together, and consult the bible, for guidance in moving forward with Mrs Sally Bercow.

Since, you and he, have both been intimate with Mrs Bercow, a problem, is always more easily solved better, with two heads, than one.

I hope, that you take my words, in the gentle, and good spirit they are sent, and please do not hesitate reply, in due course.

May God help you and your children, to survive the trauma of your wife's present breakdown, and through, your impending resignation. May you seek guidance and honesty in God's excellence.

Yours Sincerely

Miss Marcia Simpson-James.

Thursday 9 January 2014

Tuesday 29 October 2013

British Government Prisons' Contractor 'export' Murder and Torture 'Forced psychotic injection' Techniques Used on Black English Youths and Women, by Insane Racist White Politicians, Doctors, Social Workers and Psychiatrists, Against Political Opponents. Black Political Activists, Regularly Run the Risk of Attacks by Armed British Paramilitaries Entering their Homes and Disappearing them into British Prisons. All will be called "Schizophrenic" and Injected with Risperdol, Modecate or Clopixol to 'Tame' them.

In scenes from video footage shot inside Mangaung prison, Bheki Dlamini is taken to be allegedly forcibly injected with antipsychotic drugs. (Supplied)
Now Racist British Security firm G4S exports
forced injections of Psychotic-causing drugs
 on Black South African prisoners.

Black prisoners are rushed by 'NINJA' G4S
security teams, and injected with madness
causing, anti-psychotic  drugs, Riserdol,
Clopixol depot and Modecate.

This practice, of de facto, extra-judicial 
killings, and torture, has been used
 before against  Black English people
 in Brixton, (Lambeth).
This technique of killing Black people 
by stealth, has also been applied across 
the UK, in 'Black' areas such as 
Birmingham, Nottingham, 
Manchester, Tottenham, etc. 

The British government has exploited 
its immunity, by giving
its blessing, for this torture and 
murder technique to now be
 exported to South Africa, 
against other  Black people, 
across the world, by their 'prisons' 
contractor, G4S.

It is now time for the Black people to 
start suing the British government and 
Lambeth council, who feel that they 
are "untouchable", and act with 
complete impunity against the 
British Black English community.

The British government  and Lambeth 
council, should be sued for gross
 human rights abuses, genocide, 
racial cleansing,  torture and 
murder-by-proxy using GS4 and 
other spying and security outfits.

At present, Brixton's Black English 
population  is directly threatened by 
the racist actions of racist local white
 councillors and racist  parliamentary 
politicians and peers, in the 
British Houses of parliament. 
Who are busy feathering their 
own filthy, sell-out nests.

The racist and mad British royal family, 
have also given their blessing to the 'export', 
of this most heinous 'trade.

Everyone, is 'mad' to these family of nuts. 
Prince Philip with attest to this view, 
since, his own mother was banged
 up, in  a psychiatric, lunatic asylum 
for being a real, and certifiably 
insane, schizophrenic.

Therefore, it is not Black people, who 
are  nuts, but Our insane, white oppressors 
and their severely mentally impaired, 
and uneducated, freemason friends, 
helpers and 'mates' such as child-rapists, 
paedophiles and homosexual 
Jimmy Savile and Stuart Hall.

Monday 21 October 2013

Jimmy Savile Confesses to a Pre-emptive Attack "Policy" of Threatening Victims with the Old Baily if they Did not back off. Jimmy Savile and Inspector Mick Starkey Also Visited Isle of Wight Childrens' "Paedophile-Victims Death Camp" Haute de La Garenne with 6 local Freemason Child-abusing Cllrs.

Mourning: The flag flies at half mast at The Queen's Hotel as a mark of respect to Sir Jimmy Savile

Queen's Flies Flag at half mast as 
mark of respect for Jimmy Savile
 at Buckingham palace.

Donning athletic gear, Savile smokes a cigarette and lounges on his vintage sofa in the 90s
Jimmy Savile 
paedophile child rapist in cheap & gaudy flat.

Savile perches on his wooden cabinet next to some old treasured photographs

"Child Murderer, Fixer & Trafficker" 
Jimmy Savile 
was recorded in a 2009 police interview transcript 
(released by Surrey police in October 2013)
as confessing that he was 
"Doctor of Laws...not  a fake one, but a 
real one, with the title behind my name LOD". 

Paedophile-sodomite Jimmy Savile 
shockingly described  how he was
 such senior Freemason, that he could 
"Fix it", "Order it" & Command" 
of the sickest and most dangerous paedophiles 
and homosexuals in the country, by using his
 royal, legal, parliamentary, medical, 
psychiatric, local authority (council), police,
 paramilitary and civil service connections.

Prince Charles, Lord Louis Montbatten 
and Prince Philip
are all accused of being strong, and long term 
child-abusers, and buyers of children.

Odd-ball, senior Freemason 
Jimmy Savile with one of his 
perverted  "Lady" helpers at 
his  Scottish home where he 
entertained Prince Charles.

Savile explained that he could "guarantee
that he could get any Freemason 
paedophile-homosexual "off" any 
criminal  charge or any allegations 
of child-sex abuse in any British court. 

He said that he could guarantee that 
they would never  be convicted or
 lose a libel case in any British court.

Savile also confessed that as
 a Freemason, 
he was known as being  a 
"Doctor of Laws - with the letters 
LOD" after his name. 

He said that he had total "control" over  some of 
the  most  senior judges in the country.

He explained that through Freemasonary and 
his  Friday morning "club", he could even 
control Judges at the  
Royal Courts of Justice 
and the Old Bailey.

Savile boasted of his bedroom high-jinks in the book

Jimmy Savile 
Seen here trying to pass himself off as a knight in shining armour.

Dangerous Psychopath 
Jimmy Savile 
Naked and shameless in bed, with the cigars in 
used to sexually abuse both little girls in their 
vaginas and  little boys in their anuses.

Jimmy Savile - Sick sexual predator
Look at this picture where Child-rapist Savile is 
about to attack a terminally ill little girl

Jimmy Savile - Goldrush!
Picture of Freemasonary's most senior hands.
Child-rapist, Savile, is seen here, wearing his 
gold trinkets to attract children like the pied-piper.

Friday 18 October 2013

Top Police Freemasons - Child Rapist Jimmy Savile & His "Body-Guard" Police Inspector Mick Starkey Drove Around UK in His "Celebrity" Rolls Royce. The Animal Savile, Made False Allegations Against His Child Victims, Smearing and Defaming His Defenseless Girl Victims as "Paranoid Schizophrenics" , Who were Not to be Trusted Because They were of "Bad Character" and Living in Dunscroft "Borstal" for "Bad Girls".

Claims: Former policeman Mick Starkey, left, was apparently close to Jimmy Savile and frequently visited his home
Top Freemason Jimmy Savile 
(on the left in track suit).

- Laughing -
Mad, Violent, and Dangerous,
Child-raping, Psychopathic,
Schizophrenic, takes picture with
 his protective "Bodyguard",
former Met & West Midland's
police officer 

Inspector Mick Starkey,
in  front of
rape-vehicle Rolls Royce
where they plotted their crimes together. 

Sick Starkey used to drive Paedophile
Jimmy Savile
From Broadmoor top Security mental
hospital for the Criminally insane,
 to Duncroft children's home,
in Staines, 
especially so that he could
freely rape and
 sexually abuse the
most vulnerable
 children in the country
for cheap kicks.

It is now feared, that Savile and Starkey,
may have gone as far as releasing
child-killers and women-murderers,
 from Broadmoor, so that Savile could
get his rocks off, whilst watching
these madmen secretly raping,
the girls who lived in what Savile
referred to as "posh" children stately 

care  homes he  referred to as  
"Borstals" in his 2009 police statement.

Certifiably insane, Jimmy Savile was a 

close friend of the royal family, including 
prince Charles. 

Child-rapist, Jimmy Savile, was also 
a top  ranking Freemason, who used 
dirty tricks, like making false claims 
against his innocent victims. Including 
calling them pathological "liars", falsely 
claiming that his child-sex abuse victims 
were "mad" or "weirdos" and falsely 
claiming that they should not be
 believed because they were on 
"flights of fancy" or "fantacists".

Deferential police officers, kow-towed
to certifiably insane Paedophile

 Jimmy Savile,
and even interviewed him in his
 "offices" in Broadmoor hospital,

 where he was supported by his sick 
in the head "body-guard".