Race, Human Rights and International Law

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Queen Confesses That Gold 'Guineas' Belongs to Black English "West-Indian" Descendants of Slaves. She admits - 'Not ALL the Gold Bullion Belongs To US'. Gold Bars Held By Bank of England Owed To US in Reparations for Royal Family's Historical Involvement in Slave Trade.

Golden look: Her Majesty examines the stacks of gold bars stored in the Bank's vaults
Queen Admits Gold 'Guineas' Belong to Modern Black English "West-Indian" Victims of British Torture-Racism 
and the Royal  Slave Trade.

Royal Family and Establishment 'target' Black 
Women  for Torture and Human rights Abuses.

Hands-on: The Queen thoroughly inspects the gold vaults during her visit to the Bank of England
Queen handles Stolen Property (Gold Bullion) 
of  the modern victim descendants
 ("West-Indians"of British
 Historical Slave Trade and  European 
Royal Family's.