Race, Human Rights and International Law

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Inquiry - British Police Have 'A Licence-to-Kill-Black-People'. Every Day, Black People are being Murdered and Maimed by the UK's Racist Secret Security Services and Police 'Service'. In Racist Britain, There is No Such Thing As a Black Victim of Crime. Police Treat ALL Black People As Criminals.

Victim: Azelle Rodney, 24, was killed during a police 'hard stop' in north London in April 2005
Azelle Rodney - 'Bad Boy' Murdered instantly under British Police's 'Shoot-to-Kill-Black-People', Met Police Policy.

So lets ask, how many Black People have the UK Police & Security Services attempted to murder whilst apply their licence to Kill ?

The hearings will be held at Principal Registry of the Family Division, First Avenue House, 42-49 High Holborn, London, WC1V 6NP in 
Court 80.
