Race, Human Rights and International Law

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

At Last! Homosexuals Admit it - Barack Obama is Their "First Homosexual President". Now Britain's Labour Party, Want the same for the UK. Chuka Harrison Umunna Labour MP for Brixton - Lawyer, African, Half-Caste, Homosexual, Irish, Anti-Christian, 'Muslim-Jew. Parliamentarians Falsely Proclaim Crooked Nigerian Chuka as 'Britain's Barack Obama...a One-Man UN'.

Barack 'Give-me-a-spliff' Obama 
Happily Supports 'Gay' Marriage and Anti-Christian Homosexual Laws.

 Chuka Harrison Umunna
aka "The Dirty Effeminate Catamite"  or
" Sweet-Bwoy-Let-Old-white-Men-Suck & Fluff-him".

African, Homosexual, 'Gay Rights', Irish-Nigerian-Jew, Anti-Black Christian, Brixton MP.

Mentally Sick Nigerian Catamite plaything of 

1. The Prince  aka  'Mad Queen-Charles', 

2. Tony  aka 'the-war-criminal' 

3. Keith aka  'the cripple' Hillbilly  

  4.  &  'Him - with-hook-nose-n-buck-teeth'  aka Eddy.

Is it Just me? look at corrupt 'mad Chuka's' mouth... that mouth looks like its been hard at work. That mouth looks "frothy, frothy" around the edges and full of "germs"

I wonder who he has recently given a blow job to, so that he can rise even further up the political ranks? God protect Black people from this cock-sucking, mentally disordered, homosexual, soft-handed, useless, worthless, half-caste African!

Our NATIONAL SECURITY has now been breached. Can you imagine the Top Secret documents that the mentally disordered Chuka Harrison Ummuna is now being allowed to scrutinise. As a front-end-man, for the Nigerians, and other African corruption, he must be having a ball. Their cold-war security personnel must be laughing at the stupidity of the Briish and their government. 

All in the name of promoting the international homosexual terrorist group waving the "diversity" ticket to a bunch of functioning illiterate politicians, diplomats and homosexual psychiatrists.

Let us not be fooled, these people are not playing with us, these people are "HOMOSEXUAL TERRORISTS". They have fully penetrated MI5, MI6, Parliament, the civil service, ALL quangoes, ALL voluntary organisations, ALL LOCAL GOVERNMENT, ALL CENTRAL GOVERNMENT, the Police, the Army, the NHS - as doctors, nurses, etc, the legal profession as solicitors, barristers, judges, magistrates, court clerks, etc. The transport system is also filled to bulging.

These HOMOSEXUAL TERRORISTS operate on the international stage. They have fully penetrated the European Commission, the European Parliament, NATO, and even the UNITED NATIONS (UN).

By any definition, these types of activities would indicate the highest treachery possible, and the highest threat to Our NATIONAL SECURITY.

Their supports from their legislative battyman friends in parliament -The sodomite Speaker of the House, the senior civil service, members of select committees, and the staff. Homosexual prince Charles, is the leader of their Order, who himself is backed by the Crown and the government. Without exception. From the prime minister (in this present case David Cameron), downward, NO-ONE will allowed through, unless they are ACTIVE HOMOSEXUALS. 

Heterosexuals find themselves SIDELINED or forced into having to "play as if they are 'gay' " themselves.

Black people, in turn, are supposed to 'prove' their obsequiousness and their tacit support for the "HOMOSEXUAL TERRORIST GROUP, by "bowing" to them literally. This might mean, allowing themselves to be sodomised in gang-rape scenario, or they must bend over the desk and allow themselves to be anally abused. An appalling state of afairs. This INTERNATIONAL HOMOSEXUAL TERRORIST GROUP have tentacles EVERYWHERE.

The main agenda items is what to do with the "western Black and woman", they decision has been made to ignore, ELIMINATE AND DISPOSE of Us. No Sierra Leone or Liberia for Us! Fuck 'the back to Africa' brigade and the going 'Home' back to the "Motherland" for the kidnapped  victims of the "slave trade". 

The common link between the Homosexual Terrorist and the African is that they HATE with a passion, the Us, "western Black man and woman". They HATE Us Black people to the Bone. This the kind of HATE, that push hate crimes into the shade, and  make them look like child's play. That is the kind of HATE We are up against. 

The Africans don't want Us, and the white man definitely don't want the African to want Us back in Africa. It would cramp up the white and asian man's vibe up theIf We did not understand before, We must understand Now - its ALL BUSINESSEVERYTHING is personaL, and EVERYTHING is about the profit motive and exploitation of African NATURAL RESOURCES. The good thing is, the Africans are so stupid and so eager to be 'helpful', that the fools GIVE IT AWAY

Therefore, all the HOMOSEXUAL TERRORIST, has to do, is to hand pick from the corruption called Africans, disaggregate to the special corruption specialists called Nigerians and Ghanians  and Bob's their uncle. What better than to get the fools to spearhead their own destruction, in the name of a good cause in Africa. HOMOSEXUALITY! 

This is is their Big Lottery win!

The Africans sold Us into slavery to the white man for a few glass beads and the reward of government Aid from white western countries. 

The white man and woman bought those kidnapped, stolen and tortured Black people and this formed the basis for the "slave Trade". The present day African is still on the slave trade-barter system, and African countries are run by the descendants of those African usurpers, as well as the white descendants of those European slave traders.

Not once, has the white man or, (more importantly), the African asked for forgiveness and offered to return to us our land and our other properties. Like the trash that they are, they  corruptly bluff their way through international Aid, whilst simultaneously bringing the African continent to its knees.

There can be no other proof needed, to show that Africa has to agree terms for the Remnant to Return, to our original Status and roles of Heads of State, and governmental ministers. Certain, western Black people, know how to run government, no African-born 'native' or dodgy, no-nation, half-breed or quarter-breed can possibly do the job.

Africa will sink, until these usurpers remove themselves, and we are Returned to the Head of the Table. The Slave-Trading African, will never do it without Us! 

We held the cultural and colour fort, whilst they sold out. We come back Black...would they have if the roles were reversed? I doubt it! We are the Black Royalty of Blue Blood.  Black Blue Blood is forever strong and We carry the Royal Blue Blood. We are the Black Royalty of mythology. We, are the Chosen Ones - No African-born African will ever fulfill destiny. No usurper, will ever get anywhere - the corruption Barack can go to hell, and the Nigerian corruption Chuka can go a fuck his is poor, white trash Irish-Catholic-Jew mother!

Can you imagine, the fools called Africans (mainly Nigerians and Ghanians) and the idiots called the white man thought that it was a smart move to try amd impose upon Us, two worthless
"NO-NATION-HALF-BREED-MAN", and get away with it. For this INSULT they must truly pay.

What a fucking disgrace!

And let's not leave out the other colonial filth from the Commonweath pushed by the British "dishonour system"

These useless colonial types are also barred from this process. No Barbadians, No small Islanders, No Yardies, No Guyanas (sic), No jackasses claiming to be 'Rastas',(e.g. the extremely dunce & sickeningly ugly race-traitor, Nigerian Niggers Victor Aebowale , 'Lola' "Young"); no bogus 'cultural ambassadors';  no Black-hating Niggers like Guyanese-Barbadian race-traitors or pussy-holes such as
Trevor  Philips, Herman Ouseley, Jocelyn Barrows, Trevor McDonald, Heather Rabbatt, Ros Howells, Floella Benajmin, Valerie Amos or any other Coon, bad-breed negre, half-breed, or quarter breed.  This is a No Compromise Position.
This disrespect has to stop - Enough is Enough!