Below is a document that every sensible Black person should read.
It relates to the joint issues of Privacy and Injunctions.
See Below:
We have all been there, when we have been on the telephone and we hear "clicking" and "voices-in-the-background", whilst we were speaking to family or friends. Who authorizes these mass surveillances of the Black West-Indian community?
Guarantee it is a joint effort between the Home Office (The Secretary of State), the police, MI5, MI6, and GCHQ.
If anyone lives or works anywhere near Vauxhall, or certain parts of Lambeth,(say the secretive Frank O Reilly House in Clapham), you may have noticed that most of the " secret security" or 'intelligence' agencies, are physically near places where there is a SIGNIFICANT Black, west-Indian community.
Has anyone asked why? Try racism!
If we look at the ongoing Levenson Inquiry, we do not see any Black people being mentioned, why?
Lets state the obvious, this Levenson Inquiry is late to the party. Black people have been living under this "secret surveillance" regime for decades.
This involves BT, the CCTV cameras on the street, ALL newspapers, ALL television companies, ALL internet providers, ALL councils, ALL doctors, ALL hospitals, ALL schools, ALL dole offices, ALL journalists and every radio station in the country. There is not escape for us.
All under the direction of the royal family, who direct Scotland Yard who are directed by the security 'dark arts' (assassins) practitioners, local authorities, education establishments, medical services and parliament.
The day we start an inquiry on the mass and gross human rights abuses and invasion of privacy of the descendents of slaves, then we may have began to make progress. Everything else is a poppy-show!
It relates to the joint issues of Privacy and Injunctions.
See Below:
We have all been there, when we have been on the telephone and we hear "clicking" and "voices-in-the-background", whilst we were speaking to family or friends. Who authorizes these mass surveillances of the Black West-Indian community?
Guarantee it is a joint effort between the Home Office (The Secretary of State), the police, MI5, MI6, and GCHQ.
If anyone lives or works anywhere near Vauxhall, or certain parts of Lambeth,(say the secretive Frank O Reilly House in Clapham), you may have noticed that most of the " secret security" or 'intelligence' agencies, are physically near places where there is a SIGNIFICANT Black, west-Indian community.
Has anyone asked why? Try racism!
If we look at the ongoing Levenson Inquiry, we do not see any Black people being mentioned, why?
Lets state the obvious, this Levenson Inquiry is late to the party. Black people have been living under this "secret surveillance" regime for decades.
This involves BT, the CCTV cameras on the street, ALL newspapers, ALL television companies, ALL internet providers, ALL councils, ALL doctors, ALL hospitals, ALL schools, ALL dole offices, ALL journalists and every radio station in the country. There is not escape for us.
All under the direction of the royal family, who direct Scotland Yard who are directed by the security 'dark arts' (assassins) practitioners, local authorities, education establishments, medical services and parliament.
The day we start an inquiry on the mass and gross human rights abuses and invasion of privacy of the descendents of slaves, then we may have began to make progress. Everything else is a poppy-show!