Race, Human Rights and International Law

Sunday, 29 April 2012

International Jazz Day - Monday 30 April 2012. Enjoy - And Play Some Jazz for The Day. Remember to Commemorate the Jazz Geniuses Who Played the Music for the World, and the Untold Connections to Black People who were Sacrificed to Slavery During the Mid-Atlantic Slave Trade, Between Africa, the Caribbean and America.

Mr Herbie Hancox is the UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador that has helped to drive forward the first

 International Jazz Day 

(Monday 30 April 2012).

Jazz is World Heritage.

Please take the time to look at the interview with Mr Hancox in the UN Courier below:


Here are some reasons to recognise this day every year:

1. Jazz breaks down barriers and creates opportunities for mutual understanding & tolerance;

2. Jazz is a vector of  freedom of expression;

3. Jazz is a symbol of unity & peace;

4. Jazz reduces tensions between individuals, groups and communities;

5. Jazz fosters gender equality;

6. Jazz reinforces the role youth play for social change;

7. Jazz encourages artistic innovation, improvisation, new forms of expression, and inclusion of traditional music forms into one;

8. Jazz stimulates intercultural dialogue and empowers young people from marginalised societies.

Sunday, 1 April 2012

Privacy - Why does the British government constantly invade Black peoples' under the pretext of 'National Security'?

Below is a document that every sensible Black person should read.

It relates to the joint issues of Privacy and Injunctions.

See Below:


We have all been there, when we have been on the telephone and we hear "clicking" and "voices-in-the-background", whilst we were speaking to family or friends. Who authorizes these mass surveillances of the Black West-Indian community?

Guarantee it is a joint effort between the Home Office (The Secretary of State), the police, MI5, MI6, and GCHQ.

If anyone lives or works anywhere near Vauxhall, or certain parts of Lambeth,(say the secretive Frank O Reilly House in Clapham), you may have noticed that most of the " secret security" or 'intelligence' agencies, are physically near places where there is a SIGNIFICANT Black, west-Indian community.

Has anyone asked why? Try racism!

If we look at the ongoing Levenson Inquiry, we do not see any Black people being mentioned, why?


Lets state the obvious, this Levenson Inquiry is late to the party. Black people have been living under this "secret surveillance" regime for decades.

This involves BT, the CCTV cameras on the street, ALL newspapers, ALL television companies, ALL internet providers, ALL councils, ALL doctors, ALL hospitals, ALL schools, ALL dole offices, ALL journalists and every radio station in the country. There is not escape for us.

All under the direction of the royal family, who direct Scotland Yard who are directed by the security 'dark arts' (assassins) practitioners, local authorities, education establishments, medical services and parliament.

The day we start an inquiry on the mass and gross human rights abuses and invasion of privacy of the descendents of slaves, then we may have began to make progress. Everything else is a poppy-show!

UK - A Gentle and Subtle Genocide and Torture Regime.

When is genocide and torture not genocide and torture?

I used to believe the hype, that genocide had to be high profile, and widely reported across the press and media - no more!

I also used to believe that genocide had to be 'obvious', in your face - as in "war zones" and in areas of obvious "conflict" such as the ubiquitous, (and historical term), "third world country" - but
never again.

I have discovered that genocide, torture and mass atrocities, can happen in a place like Britain, secretly, unhindered, and even promoted under the guise of 'health', 'gender-mainstreaming', community development and even elections & political participation.

We all know about the Guantanamo detainees, "Black sites", and "extraordinary renditions", but how many people are aware of the phenomenon of "domestic rendtions" and "death and torture camps" in Britain, masquarading as hospitals and health centres?

How many people know about the extraordinary levels of 'uber-surveillance' and invasions of privacy practiced by the British security services and GQHQ against the Black English of caribbean descent?

I assume very few, if next to no-one.

These military and security tactical tecniques, would be recognised as COINTELPRO - counter-intelligence programmes, which include, what are known as "the dark arts" - which means, in plain language, 'government organised 'programmes(activities and military operations) to kill and assassinate groups or individuals who are seen as a threat to 'national security'.

These "Black ops", have been used against Britain's Black English (descendants of slaves) community, for decades. People have been being disappeared, kidnapped and held in communicado for decades, without the international community blinking and eye.

Crimes committed against Black women and children, are not registered, and many victims end up being held under the "legal" illegal use of the mental health Act, and sub-sections, to 'protect' the state from reparation claims and the legal recognition of the status of 'victim'. Thus, removing the victim from a position of positivitiy to that of negative. That negative is usually, couched, as the victim being mad, bad or dangerous (and usually all three),

Black people are usually defined as criminals, mental disordered (paranoid schizophrenics, generally pathological and psychotic) or just palin stupid!

In the case of the UK, the level of white ignorance of the Black English community is shocking. Most whites in the British civil service, in parliament or in the royal family (ironically), have never met a Black person on a common level.

If they have, the Black person, is usually a grovelling official or government minister, bowing to their British "queen" (Elizabeth II), dissent is frowned upon. Black political participation even more so.

Any discussions around the phenomenon of "Racism", is as if you have written your own death warrant (both metaphorically and literally), whilst using the word "Black" is a guarantee of permanent unemployment.

This mechanism is all tied into the British royal family via, Prince Charles, his courtiers such as Patrick Harrison, Scotland Yard, the newspapers, and the secret services (overseen by a useless and corrupt parliament).

A very 'British coup' of Human Rights and international law.

Even within the UN Human Rights structures and mechanisms, corruption reigns. Try having a look at Britain's "alternative representatives - the whole thing is a Joke!

There are no persons who represent local people or even people in a position to give a real and accurate, (and non-racist) account, of what is really happening on the streets of Britain.

Everyone appears to be the British government's, well-suited and dressed policy "whores". All, this, whilst Black people are under one of the most disgusting and terrifying genocides and mass human rights abuses ever NOT recorded.

But one might ask, why would the British government maliciously target Black people who are the descendants of slaves?

Part of the answer may sound odd, but there is nothing to say that odd, can not be true. The partial answer, is that the British royal family and their 'crew-gang' members, are still continuing the "Maroon Wars".

One may ask, "The Maroon Wars"?, But why.

Part of the answer lies in the mental state of these people. They live in a state of fear, and mental discordance. Paranoia is the name of their game. The fear of 'dark strangers' , (the word "Stranger" used in the racist Jewish sense, as you are my enemy, if you are not my relative, and if you are my enemy, then you can not be my friend), The slave rebellions in Jamaica has left an indellible mark on their minds.

The fact that "Mad" (short-hand for paranoid schizophrenic psychopath) King George III, having to sue for peace, (i.e. surrender to the Cudjoaian Maroons), has scared the Establishment permanently.

They are afeared of Black politicization and the call for reparations, etc for our experience of slavery.

But the biggest fear of all, is the fear that we will leave them!

They couldn't take the shame and embarassment of that. They would rather, a few cases of racism come out here and there, once in a while, than to admit, that the majority of Black people want to leave Britain for better people, and a better economic and social environment.

Racist jews, control America, Britain and elsewhere, a people, who, many would argue, do not actually exist. They are not from a particular country, and therefore, have no roots. Ironically, their most recent claim to fame, is homosexuality. Homosexuals ( who are the most racist people on earth), have now 'equalizes' themselves using national and international human rights bodies). What has been failed to be mentioned is that the many of these organisations, are no more than wings of the secret 'intelligence' security services, used as a vehicle, to promote the profanities. let us see what develops from this perversion of the system.

Meanwhile, even, the unfortunate, Black people, who are descendants of slaves in Britain and America, can sing "Back to my roots, going back to my roots ...yea!", no matter how much there appears to be a disconnect, there is always Africa for the Africans.

For the racist jew, they can not say the same. Hence their jealousy of Black people, and especially, those of us who are real descendants of slaves.They have to steal land, they have to 'create' a history, they have to usurp other people's roots, religion and culture. Nothing is theirs. They are no where people.

For them, they are constantly worrying about who they are. Their lives is a matter of guesswork, and supposition - nothing else. Hence, their great drive to " intellectualise" themselves, whilst intimidating "strangers".

All the culprits involved in the slave trade and the gross human rights abuses (such as the 'gentle' genocide of Black English people) from these shores will be investigated and dealt with. There will be no hiding place for these creatures.

This is a guarantee.

No genocide, no Anonymous Witness Act, no abuse of the Mental Health Act, no use of the 'dark arts', no SOCA, no Secret Security services, no racist parliament and no mentally ill royal family, nothing can stop this from happening. Justice will be done - no matter how long it takes!