Race, Human Rights and International Law

Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Race Riots (3) - Racist Magistrates Under Orders From Government to Send Everyone Up To Crown Court for Heavy Sentences. Sentences of 18 Month to 2 Years Debated.

Yesterday (Tuesday 16 August 2011) I attended Camberwell Magistrates' Court again. I was struck that there was a very very young Black man (with cain-rows) sitting on the bench.

This ruse did not fool anyone, in fact, it was offensive. This court is notoriously racist, the clerks are racists, the black court staff are racist, the solicitors are racist, much less the security guards - who are racist, damn it, the whole cesspit should be cleared out.

This charade at "equality" offended members of the public, defendants and any intelligent observer.

The usual magistrate observed at that court, were white, elderly people, who clearly have never had a conversation with a Black person who isn't a defendant.

All defendants from the 'race riots' were looking at the bench as if they were being turned over.

A white mother of a defendant cried, whilst a white father sat in dazed silence.

On leaving the court, I decided to take a walk towards Brixton. I was horrified to see the mixed-racist criminal Lee Jasper speaking to his good friend and fellow criminal "Blacka Dred" outside the laters record shop on Coldhabour Lane.

Jasper looked shifty and scared as I approached. He pretended to be speaking on his mobile phone, as I walked by. I could feel eyes staring into the back of my head, and so turned around. There it was, Lee Jasper, and his gang crew.

A group of criminal Yardies were stood around him, I presume, taking orders from their gang-leader, 'The Colonel'. What a frightening sight.

Before, this, I had been stopped by and elderly Black man, who explained to me that he was in his late 70's. We physically stood across the road from the 'Barrier Block', (Coldhabour Lane). He told me that he believed that the the recent most Brixton riot had been orchestrated and organised by the police and criminals.

He said that he was concerned that decent Black people were being labelled as these criminals. I said that the criminals he referred to regarded interactions the police as a hazard of the job. He agreed. He asked me if I had noted that the 'Brixton Splash' (on the Saturday of the 'riots') was 'organised' by 'certain people', and those people were friends of the 'criminal' Mark Duggan (man shot by police apparently in the back of a cab in Tottenham).

He said that corrupt police and criminals like Lee Jasper had got together and organised to 'trigger' a riot. He said that he knew a good few of the players and drank in the domino club across the road - implying he socialised with them.

He told me, that he did not like the Black chief executive of Lambeth. I asked him why? He replied that Derek Anderson was "a cruff" ( the lowest of the low).

I asked him what had 'been done' to Black people that we were faced with present circumstances? How was it possible to go from decent people landing in England in the 1940's and 50's to some of the terrible characters we had to put up with in the Black community? (rhetorical question).

His answer came in this form - he had brought his three children up in the area, and all of his children were all professional people. Say no more - I replied.

We parted after I thanked him for speaking to me. As I walked away, I knew I had food for thought.

Therefore, as I continued to walk towards Brixton along Coldhabour Lane, and on sight of gang-leader Lee Jasper, less than 5 minutes later, outside "Blacka Dreds" record shop, I thought to myself - how apt and speak of the devil!