Race, Human Rights and International Law

Saturday, 23 July 2011

Wendi Murdoch Thuggish Gangsta Bitch - Jointly Culpable With Her Decrepid Husband News Corps Rupert for Covering Up Blue-Eyed Boy James Murdoch's Lazy Incompetence.

Thuggish Wendi Murdoch 
Send Her to Jail.
Wendi is an international security risk.

Wendi Deng Murdoch (in pink hacket)
attacks assailant during husband Rupert Culture, Media & Sport Select Committee parliamentary appearance on Tuesday 19th July 2011.
Wendi has been hailed as a hero, but what kind of man would sit there and watch as his woman was forced to 'defend' him? - answer - A wizzened old man who allows his chinese wife to run his empire!

Rupert Murdoch - Jail Him!
Dangerous wizzened tired old man. His thuggish nurse-maid
 Wendi appears to have taken over her husband's empire - so she has
 plenty to lose.