We have all, by now, heard, or read about the horrendous story of the beheading of Mrs Jennifer Mills-Westley, aged just 60-years-old.
Her tragic and disturbing end came at the hands of a young 26-year-old homeless schizophrenic man in Tenerife.
This is everyone's nightmare come horribly true.
Mrs Mills-Westley, was apparently out shopping when she became aware that she was being followed by Bulgarian, Deyan Deyanov. She was so worried by him, that she went into the nearest place of safety, the jobcentre, and complained about him. Apparently he was shooed away by a security guard. He left briefly, only to return soon after Mrs Mills-Westley had left the jobcentre, to go to a local shop.
It was in this shop, that ,schizophrenic Deyanov, fast approached Mrs Mills-Westley, apparently swinging a machete. In a matter of moments Deyanov, had decapitated the woman. This was bad enough, but he then went on to grab Mrs Mills-Westley's separated head, and proceeded to walk out of the shop and along the round proudly displaying his 'prize'.
Jesus Christ, can you imagine being a witness to such a thing?! I'd run a mile. I still can not understand how such a thing could happen, or be allowed to happen.
Apparently, the obviously mad, and dangerous, Deyanov, was well known in that locality as a vicious person, who had attacked several strapping security guards and members of the public.
We have also heard that Deyanov had gone to the local psychiatric hospital several times begging to be allowed back in for treatment. He was refused.
So here we have it, a homeless man, who is clearly mentally disordered, (how he arrived at state, is for another detailed debate), bangs on the doors of his local psychiatric hospital and he is refused entry. Well, well, well! Who would have guessed?
Apparently, Bulgarian Deyanov had earlier gone into a shop and asked for a machete or long knife. He even went as far as to show staff the length of blade he wanted. Based on newly released CCTV images, he wanted a blade approximately a foot and a half long. In other words, whatever he wanted to do, he wanted to create havoc and inflict the maximum injuries to his intended victim.
Unfortunately, Mrs Mills-Westley, was in the wrong place, at the wrong time.
What I'd like to know, is how did this person manage to buy a machete, when it was clear he was a threat to the public? Which doctors were responsible for this man, and how did they conclude that he was fit enough, and more importantly safe enough to be allowed to circulate among the general wider public?
I must admit, that I have a persona interest in this story.
Since I was kidnapped and 'disappeared' into one of these places for political reasons. In other words, I was a political prisoner. My kidnapping was based on the information within a "sexed-up" , lie-filled dossier. This was all organised by my political opponent, who worked with his fellow homosexuals, jews, asians, racist irish, scottish, etc to arrange to have me grabbed out of my bed in the early hours of the morning.
I had heard about a secret dossier that was being created with my name on it, but it was only at this time, that I (on asking), was able to a) confirm, that the file actually existed and b) read a part of the content. This No.10, Tony Blair-backed "sexed-up" secret dossier made for interesting reading. Reader, this file was not, repeat, NOT, a medical file, it was a security service lie-filled dossier. I was shocked to read some of the content. It was nothing to do with me. The information was not me. However, I was shocked that there were individuals who had such sick minds, that they could be allowed to decant their infected drool, onto the page, and be allowed to distribute it far and wide.
I was especially interested in seeing this the detail of this file, because my work was being interfered with. If I went into my local library, (which I had used for over 30 years), I was confronted by staff who looked extremely frightened, and who borderline were ready to lock themselves into a back room of the library.
If I went to enquire about my council tax, security guards would circulate and concentrate on me. I think I've given a clear picture of the local atmosphere. It did not help, that (unbeknownst to me), there was my evil mother, who had historically worked with the police, and I had not seen for some years.
I was shocked on reading about people who I did not know, and they did not know me, giving their 'opinion' on me. The reader of the file was being led down a particular path by a man called Dr David James. I did not know a Dr James. Who was this man. The plot thickened.
As I read, I saw the words "Fixated Threat Assessment Centre" . I asked those around me, who informed me that they had "come for" me, what this organisation was and what was its function. No answer. I was taken to a place unknown, in an ambulance. Everyone who piled into (invaded) my home, looked shocked. They had clearly been expecting a particular response, and there was none.
I saw at least thirty people look ashamed as they stood in my home. The shame level was so high for these people I heard them whispering to each other, to "get out of here now...this is an unusual case...I not know what's going on here, but this one looks like trouble...someone's going to get sacked for this and it's not going to be me".
The house practically emptied, except those who had obviously spun the yarn. There was a debate held to discuss what this hard-core small group of individuals could do. They even told me that they made a mistake, and were going to leave. One of them, who turned out to be an ordinary Pc insisted I be taken away. I asked "taken by whom to where and for what reason?". It was at this point that this secret file was initially produced.
The reader can take it as read, that this is a legal matter being addressed. The implication was that I was seriously mentally disordered. My 'crime', I had attended parliament for at least 10 years listening to debates and committees. However, it was only now (unbeknownst to me), that the establishment were just about to unleash their new and shiny half-caste "British Barack Obama", namely the anti-Black racist, Chuka Harrison Umunna, (now 'my' elected MP for Streatham and Brixton).
Ironically, one of the woman who was extremely edgy and determined to "discredit" me, by "taking [me] in", was a social worker called Anne-Marie Harrison (any relations to Chuka Harrison by any chance?). Despite never having met me, spoken to me, or even seeing me, she appeared to be in charge, and confidently stood in my bedroom, and walked about my home as if he were her's with complete confidence that she was being backed by state. I just completely flabber-ghasted at the brazenness of these people. I could not imagine doing that to someone. These people could have done anything to me. I have no doubt, that if I were not 'cool', I too, like Dr David Kelly, (please note that I also attended that joke called the Hutton Inquiry), could have been "injected" and that would have been it, end of Marcia.
I am angry as hell for being put in harms way by persons unknow. I make no bones about it, I am looking for revenge. Can anyone imagine standing in your own bedroom, in your own night clothes and being confronted by some mentally ill strangers, who are stood in front of you, telling you, that they intend to give you "horse tablets" and "inject" you?
I take it as read, that the reader, can imagine what my face looked like - I was horrified. Before this, I never knew such people existed. However, since they came out to play with me, we must complete the game, and I expect revenge. So reader, you now have my declaration of interest.
Just to reassure the reader, no I did not have any drugs administered to me, however, I had people begging me to leave, I had people begging me to sign documents saying I would not sue or speak of what was done to me to the public. So, I am here with you, dear readers, and I am here to tell the tale. Suffice it to say, that a super-injunction was taken out against Sir Paul Stephenson, head of the Met police and any secret security service agent. So that says a lot. Watch this space for some interesting developments.
But lets not get ahead of ourselves.
Back to buy Deyanov, for comparison, Deyanov, could not buy his way back into a mad-house, he literally had to kill, and he had to kill 'big' , to get back into the system. Note I said, 'the system'.
Can you imagine the levels of damages Mrs Mills-Westley family would receive if Deyanov is put back into a psychiatric hospital. That is why, they have put him into prison (which would be an inappropriate place for someone as mentally disturbed as him).
I don't think anyone would would doubt that deyanov has a serious problem. But can anyone tell me, how,because I exercised my democratic rights to enter parliament, I was placed in the same camp as a schizophrenic homeless man, who decapitated an innocent woman? Please discuss.
PS. I am still traumatised by the experience, and have never received an apology from anyone, much less damages much less compensation.
I like to know, if this was done to you, how much damages, etc, you'd demand? And just for added interest, there is no history these kinds of conditions, and I used to sit on a number of government committees. There is another matter, that is known as the big "P", but that's for the court-house. All I can say, is I am 100% confident, so I can openly come forward and discuss this things.
I take it, that those who did what they did to me, and in the reverse, did NOT do for the patient Deyanov, have some questions to answer. Hopefully, for innocent people like me and Mrs Mills-Westley, the perpetrators will get their just deserts, and end up doing substantial custodial sentences for their negligence, culpability, deceptions, crimes and misconduct in public office.
Jennifer, I send you and your family my deepest condolences.You,unfortunately, lost your life because of misinformation, I was supposed to lose my life because of lies and misinformation. I sincerely hope that we both end up with a sort of justice.
I think the legal advisors will be discussing the relevance of equity and proprietory estoppel. This is a huge one. May, you rest in peace.
Her tragic and disturbing end came at the hands of a young 26-year-old homeless schizophrenic man in Tenerife.
This is everyone's nightmare come horribly true.
Mrs Mills-Westley, was apparently out shopping when she became aware that she was being followed by Bulgarian, Deyan Deyanov. She was so worried by him, that she went into the nearest place of safety, the jobcentre, and complained about him. Apparently he was shooed away by a security guard. He left briefly, only to return soon after Mrs Mills-Westley had left the jobcentre, to go to a local shop.
It was in this shop, that ,schizophrenic Deyanov, fast approached Mrs Mills-Westley, apparently swinging a machete. In a matter of moments Deyanov, had decapitated the woman. This was bad enough, but he then went on to grab Mrs Mills-Westley's separated head, and proceeded to walk out of the shop and along the round proudly displaying his 'prize'.
Jesus Christ, can you imagine being a witness to such a thing?! I'd run a mile. I still can not understand how such a thing could happen, or be allowed to happen.
Apparently, the obviously mad, and dangerous, Deyanov, was well known in that locality as a vicious person, who had attacked several strapping security guards and members of the public.
We have also heard that Deyanov had gone to the local psychiatric hospital several times begging to be allowed back in for treatment. He was refused.
So here we have it, a homeless man, who is clearly mentally disordered, (how he arrived at state, is for another detailed debate), bangs on the doors of his local psychiatric hospital and he is refused entry. Well, well, well! Who would have guessed?
Apparently, Bulgarian Deyanov had earlier gone into a shop and asked for a machete or long knife. He even went as far as to show staff the length of blade he wanted. Based on newly released CCTV images, he wanted a blade approximately a foot and a half long. In other words, whatever he wanted to do, he wanted to create havoc and inflict the maximum injuries to his intended victim.
Unfortunately, Mrs Mills-Westley, was in the wrong place, at the wrong time.
What I'd like to know, is how did this person manage to buy a machete, when it was clear he was a threat to the public? Which doctors were responsible for this man, and how did they conclude that he was fit enough, and more importantly safe enough to be allowed to circulate among the general wider public?
I must admit, that I have a persona interest in this story.
Since I was kidnapped and 'disappeared' into one of these places for political reasons. In other words, I was a political prisoner. My kidnapping was based on the information within a "sexed-up" , lie-filled dossier. This was all organised by my political opponent, who worked with his fellow homosexuals, jews, asians, racist irish, scottish, etc to arrange to have me grabbed out of my bed in the early hours of the morning.
I had heard about a secret dossier that was being created with my name on it, but it was only at this time, that I (on asking), was able to a) confirm, that the file actually existed and b) read a part of the content. This No.10, Tony Blair-backed "sexed-up" secret dossier made for interesting reading. Reader, this file was not, repeat, NOT, a medical file, it was a security service lie-filled dossier. I was shocked to read some of the content. It was nothing to do with me. The information was not me. However, I was shocked that there were individuals who had such sick minds, that they could be allowed to decant their infected drool, onto the page, and be allowed to distribute it far and wide.
I was especially interested in seeing this the detail of this file, because my work was being interfered with. If I went into my local library, (which I had used for over 30 years), I was confronted by staff who looked extremely frightened, and who borderline were ready to lock themselves into a back room of the library.
If I went to enquire about my council tax, security guards would circulate and concentrate on me. I think I've given a clear picture of the local atmosphere. It did not help, that (unbeknownst to me), there was my evil mother, who had historically worked with the police, and I had not seen for some years.
I was shocked on reading about people who I did not know, and they did not know me, giving their 'opinion' on me. The reader of the file was being led down a particular path by a man called Dr David James. I did not know a Dr James. Who was this man. The plot thickened.
As I read, I saw the words "Fixated Threat Assessment Centre" . I asked those around me, who informed me that they had "come for" me, what this organisation was and what was its function. No answer. I was taken to a place unknown, in an ambulance. Everyone who piled into (invaded) my home, looked shocked. They had clearly been expecting a particular response, and there was none.
I saw at least thirty people look ashamed as they stood in my home. The shame level was so high for these people I heard them whispering to each other, to "get out of here now...this is an unusual case...I not know what's going on here, but this one looks like trouble...someone's going to get sacked for this and it's not going to be me".
The house practically emptied, except those who had obviously spun the yarn. There was a debate held to discuss what this hard-core small group of individuals could do. They even told me that they made a mistake, and were going to leave. One of them, who turned out to be an ordinary Pc insisted I be taken away. I asked "taken by whom to where and for what reason?". It was at this point that this secret file was initially produced.
The reader can take it as read, that this is a legal matter being addressed. The implication was that I was seriously mentally disordered. My 'crime', I had attended parliament for at least 10 years listening to debates and committees. However, it was only now (unbeknownst to me), that the establishment were just about to unleash their new and shiny half-caste "British Barack Obama", namely the anti-Black racist, Chuka Harrison Umunna, (now 'my' elected MP for Streatham and Brixton).
Ironically, one of the woman who was extremely edgy and determined to "discredit" me, by "taking [me] in", was a social worker called Anne-Marie Harrison (any relations to Chuka Harrison by any chance?). Despite never having met me, spoken to me, or even seeing me, she appeared to be in charge, and confidently stood in my bedroom, and walked about my home as if he were her's with complete confidence that she was being backed by state. I just completely flabber-ghasted at the brazenness of these people. I could not imagine doing that to someone. These people could have done anything to me. I have no doubt, that if I were not 'cool', I too, like Dr David Kelly, (please note that I also attended that joke called the Hutton Inquiry), could have been "injected" and that would have been it, end of Marcia.
I am angry as hell for being put in harms way by persons unknow. I make no bones about it, I am looking for revenge. Can anyone imagine standing in your own bedroom, in your own night clothes and being confronted by some mentally ill strangers, who are stood in front of you, telling you, that they intend to give you "horse tablets" and "inject" you?
I take it as read, that the reader, can imagine what my face looked like - I was horrified. Before this, I never knew such people existed. However, since they came out to play with me, we must complete the game, and I expect revenge. So reader, you now have my declaration of interest.
Just to reassure the reader, no I did not have any drugs administered to me, however, I had people begging me to leave, I had people begging me to sign documents saying I would not sue or speak of what was done to me to the public. So, I am here with you, dear readers, and I am here to tell the tale. Suffice it to say, that a super-injunction was taken out against Sir Paul Stephenson, head of the Met police and any secret security service agent. So that says a lot. Watch this space for some interesting developments.
But lets not get ahead of ourselves.
Back to buy Deyanov, for comparison, Deyanov, could not buy his way back into a mad-house, he literally had to kill, and he had to kill 'big' , to get back into the system. Note I said, 'the system'.
Can you imagine the levels of damages Mrs Mills-Westley family would receive if Deyanov is put back into a psychiatric hospital. That is why, they have put him into prison (which would be an inappropriate place for someone as mentally disturbed as him).
I don't think anyone would would doubt that deyanov has a serious problem. But can anyone tell me, how,because I exercised my democratic rights to enter parliament, I was placed in the same camp as a schizophrenic homeless man, who decapitated an innocent woman? Please discuss.
PS. I am still traumatised by the experience, and have never received an apology from anyone, much less damages much less compensation.
I like to know, if this was done to you, how much damages, etc, you'd demand? And just for added interest, there is no history these kinds of conditions, and I used to sit on a number of government committees. There is another matter, that is known as the big "P", but that's for the court-house. All I can say, is I am 100% confident, so I can openly come forward and discuss this things.
I take it, that those who did what they did to me, and in the reverse, did NOT do for the patient Deyanov, have some questions to answer. Hopefully, for innocent people like me and Mrs Mills-Westley, the perpetrators will get their just deserts, and end up doing substantial custodial sentences for their negligence, culpability, deceptions, crimes and misconduct in public office.
Jennifer, I send you and your family my deepest condolences.You,unfortunately, lost your life because of misinformation, I was supposed to lose my life because of lies and misinformation. I sincerely hope that we both end up with a sort of justice.
I think the legal advisors will be discussing the relevance of equity and proprietory estoppel. This is a huge one. May, you rest in peace.