This week, the Investigatory Powers Tribunal held their first public hearings, to discuss a case regarding the UK government's, Secret Security Service's use and abuse of Mass Surveillance tools to secretly "Watch" innocent members of the Black-English community, without them being aware.
I was shocked to find that I was the one and only Black-English present at these hearings that started on the week of the 14th July 2014 onwards.
First of all, to find the place, was a task on a par, with setting off on an expedition to the North pole.
I was informed many times, that Royal Court of Justice staff, either did not know what the Investigatory Powers Tribunal was, or they simply did not believe that it even existed.
RCJ staff went through court lists, made telephone calls, to each other, and looked bamboozled at the very name of this very important Tribunal, headed by Mr Justice Burton.
Eventually, with me adding several clues to the puzzle, we worked out the very court room that held the IPT.
The hearing, revolved around a case being brought against the racist British government, by Liberty, (yes, that Liberty organisation who, under its earlier guise of the National Council for Civil Liberties, actively promoted and backed paedophilic organisation called PIE - The Paedophile Information Exchange - and now called Liberty, the anti-Black, racist organisation), and Privacy International, and others.
Their case is that the racist British governmnent, are using illegal mass surveillance powers, to abuse the public's human rights, and to take advantage of the public's ignorance.
I attended the hearings, at the Rolls Building, of the Royal Courts of Justice, because, as a representative of the Black-English community, I represent the only Black presence in the room.
In my view, if you're not there, (at the Investigatory Powers Tribunal), you're square. I was not wrong, I was the only Black person in the room.
Interestingly, there was a anti-Black, racist, half-caste, barrister, called Matthew Taylor, representing one of the parties in the action.
I got the distinct impression, that he was parading about the place, before, I arrived, as the "Black face" in the room. He appeared to be the comfort zone for the all-white supremacist, 5-white-person judge panel, as well as the all-white barrister, and 'court' clerk brigade, used to support our mysterious judicial panel.
Here was I, in the middle of one of Britain's top court-houses, listening to one of the heaviest subjects on the planet, and there were no Black people except me.
I scoped the room, and those in the 'public' area, plus their 'mates', in the body of the 'court' (tribunal), appeared to be part of the same "Chumocracy", sharing the same jokes with the all-white, racist judges, from the same social, economic, elite educational and ignorant background, to the exclusion of ALL others.
It was an extremely upsetting and disturbing sight.
It appeared that some in the room, seemed to get upset, when they realised, that I had not come to admire, a bunch of racist, white supremacists, "lording it" over the poor ignorant public, but was quite OK with the legal jargon, and the references to policy, government legislation, and even the fine detail that was being discussed, by these all-white members of this "Elite 'In' Club".
God-help any member of the public who had heard about the IPT on the BBC, on the radio, or in the press generally. You would have certainly been at a total loss of 'locked-out' of the process, by the technical language.
The RIPA or Regulatory Investigatory Power Act, is not only complicated for any solicitor or barrister to understand, but, the fact, that it is used as 'cover', pretext or protection tools, for the UK government's racist, anti-Black, and illegal mass communication surveillance, (e.g. looking at your emails, telephone calls, television viewings, skype use, medical files, housing., council tax, criminal records, etc), techniques, would be one big shock to people if they ever discovered the full use of these "powers"to invade every part of the Black public's life.
There are no parts of a Black-English person's life that the insane white, man, (and their Black enablers), will not dare to invade, without you knowing.
They (the whites supremacist 'elite' trash), have so little respect for Black peoples' dignity and humanity , that they do not believe that Black people are human and so, therefore, do not have the 'human right' to "privacy".
Instead, for many, many decades, the British government, through most of their judges, government ministers, and civil servants, and secret security services, (MI5 & MI6, GCHQ and Special Branch), have been secretly "Watching" Black-English people, on behalf of people like the paranoid schizophrenic, prince Charles, (with his 'right' to veto all government laws, bills, regulations, guidances, codes, practices, etc), to his own financial advantage.
When the term, "National Security", is bandied about, what the British government, are really talking about "defending", is not the interests of the 'People' (Public), (hence, all these ongoing British Elite paedophile scandals, that have been covered up by the British government, via the MI5, MI6, GCHQ, and Special Branch, etc), but to cover the backs of the "Establishment" and the "Power Elite".
The only time 'Ordinary' people do not feature in this equation, is as "Defendants", "Threats" and "Blacks" as perceived "criminals", and "Terrorists".
Hence, the British goverment have been 'practicing' their mass surveillance on Black people from morning.
Most Black-English people can tell of times they have been on the telephone, and heard, 'odd' noises, in the background. Some can even tell tales of hearing the conversations of secret security operatives, explaining terminologies or slang terms used by those in conversation.
It is only when the Black-English person makes it known that the security GCHQ operative can be heard in the background, that members of the public, hear a "click" and their telephone line, goes back to "normal".
Now, we have the internet, and mobile telephones, things are even worst for the public.
Mass surveillane in the UK has gone mad!
No one is safe. Especially if you are communcating, whilst being Black.
Call me fussy, but Black-English people should start paying attention to the Investigatory Powers Tribunal (formed on the back of the RIPA law). This is something that could cause you to be raided by the police, raided by the secret security services, Disappeared from your home, on the back of false information being fostered against you by racist, white-supremacist, secret security services agents, who hate, Black people, or even, cause, genocides, and racial cleansings to be "justified" by the UK government, who want to falsely claim, that all Black-English people are of "Bad Character", (a legal term that can cause you to be given a longer prison sentence, if a defendant, or to be falsely accused of a crime, even if you are an innocent law-abiding person).
Remember the names, RIPA and the Investigatory Powers Tribunal (ITP).
I have one question, where are all those 'black' men, who claim they "Defend"? Busy, screwing their white approved social-workers, or white 'nurses', looking to offer "support" to these useless, self-hating Niggers.
Black people, it is time, that we both take an interest, and act as adults, in terms of Laws and legislation that directly affect our lives.
RIPA, is came about as a tool to attack the Black-English community, by the British government. Least we forget, many of our people lost their lives fighting for "the Motherland" of England, only to be insulted for their pains, by being treated under counter-terrorists laws, as "terrorists" and "dark strangers".
Unlike the asians, (who take an interest in their own lives and in things that will increase their communities economic power in parliament), Black-English people appear to be slap-dash and even lazy where these things are concerned.
This "crab-in-a-barrel" mentality has to stop.
Where are our solicitors, where are our barristers, where are our special Advocates (apart from me), etc?
Enough is Enough!
Its time Black-English people stop joking, and get real.
I was shocked to find that I was the one and only Black-English present at these hearings that started on the week of the 14th July 2014 onwards.
First of all, to find the place, was a task on a par, with setting off on an expedition to the North pole.
I was informed many times, that Royal Court of Justice staff, either did not know what the Investigatory Powers Tribunal was, or they simply did not believe that it even existed.
RCJ staff went through court lists, made telephone calls, to each other, and looked bamboozled at the very name of this very important Tribunal, headed by Mr Justice Burton.
Eventually, with me adding several clues to the puzzle, we worked out the very court room that held the IPT.
The hearing, revolved around a case being brought against the racist British government, by Liberty, (yes, that Liberty organisation who, under its earlier guise of the National Council for Civil Liberties, actively promoted and backed paedophilic organisation called PIE - The Paedophile Information Exchange - and now called Liberty, the anti-Black, racist organisation), and Privacy International, and others.
Their case is that the racist British governmnent, are using illegal mass surveillance powers, to abuse the public's human rights, and to take advantage of the public's ignorance.
I attended the hearings, at the Rolls Building, of the Royal Courts of Justice, because, as a representative of the Black-English community, I represent the only Black presence in the room.
In my view, if you're not there, (at the Investigatory Powers Tribunal), you're square. I was not wrong, I was the only Black person in the room.
Interestingly, there was a anti-Black, racist, half-caste, barrister, called Matthew Taylor, representing one of the parties in the action.
I got the distinct impression, that he was parading about the place, before, I arrived, as the "Black face" in the room. He appeared to be the comfort zone for the all-white supremacist, 5-white-person judge panel, as well as the all-white barrister, and 'court' clerk brigade, used to support our mysterious judicial panel.
Here was I, in the middle of one of Britain's top court-houses, listening to one of the heaviest subjects on the planet, and there were no Black people except me.
I scoped the room, and those in the 'public' area, plus their 'mates', in the body of the 'court' (tribunal), appeared to be part of the same "Chumocracy", sharing the same jokes with the all-white, racist judges, from the same social, economic, elite educational and ignorant background, to the exclusion of ALL others.
It was an extremely upsetting and disturbing sight.
It appeared that some in the room, seemed to get upset, when they realised, that I had not come to admire, a bunch of racist, white supremacists, "lording it" over the poor ignorant public, but was quite OK with the legal jargon, and the references to policy, government legislation, and even the fine detail that was being discussed, by these all-white members of this "Elite 'In' Club".
God-help any member of the public who had heard about the IPT on the BBC, on the radio, or in the press generally. You would have certainly been at a total loss of 'locked-out' of the process, by the technical language.
The RIPA or Regulatory Investigatory Power Act, is not only complicated for any solicitor or barrister to understand, but, the fact, that it is used as 'cover', pretext or protection tools, for the UK government's racist, anti-Black, and illegal mass communication surveillance, (e.g. looking at your emails, telephone calls, television viewings, skype use, medical files, housing., council tax, criminal records, etc), techniques, would be one big shock to people if they ever discovered the full use of these "powers"to invade every part of the Black public's life.
There are no parts of a Black-English person's life that the insane white, man, (and their Black enablers), will not dare to invade, without you knowing.
They (the whites supremacist 'elite' trash), have so little respect for Black peoples' dignity and humanity , that they do not believe that Black people are human and so, therefore, do not have the 'human right' to "privacy".
Instead, for many, many decades, the British government, through most of their judges, government ministers, and civil servants, and secret security services, (MI5 & MI6, GCHQ and Special Branch), have been secretly "Watching" Black-English people, on behalf of people like the paranoid schizophrenic, prince Charles, (with his 'right' to veto all government laws, bills, regulations, guidances, codes, practices, etc), to his own financial advantage.
When the term, "National Security", is bandied about, what the British government, are really talking about "defending", is not the interests of the 'People' (Public), (hence, all these ongoing British Elite paedophile scandals, that have been covered up by the British government, via the MI5, MI6, GCHQ, and Special Branch, etc), but to cover the backs of the "Establishment" and the "Power Elite".
The only time 'Ordinary' people do not feature in this equation, is as "Defendants", "Threats" and "Blacks" as perceived "criminals", and "Terrorists".
Hence, the British goverment have been 'practicing' their mass surveillance on Black people from morning.
Most Black-English people can tell of times they have been on the telephone, and heard, 'odd' noises, in the background. Some can even tell tales of hearing the conversations of secret security operatives, explaining terminologies or slang terms used by those in conversation.
It is only when the Black-English person makes it known that the security GCHQ operative can be heard in the background, that members of the public, hear a "click" and their telephone line, goes back to "normal".
Now, we have the internet, and mobile telephones, things are even worst for the public.
Mass surveillane in the UK has gone mad!
No one is safe. Especially if you are communcating, whilst being Black.
Call me fussy, but Black-English people should start paying attention to the Investigatory Powers Tribunal (formed on the back of the RIPA law). This is something that could cause you to be raided by the police, raided by the secret security services, Disappeared from your home, on the back of false information being fostered against you by racist, white-supremacist, secret security services agents, who hate, Black people, or even, cause, genocides, and racial cleansings to be "justified" by the UK government, who want to falsely claim, that all Black-English people are of "Bad Character", (a legal term that can cause you to be given a longer prison sentence, if a defendant, or to be falsely accused of a crime, even if you are an innocent law-abiding person).
Remember the names, RIPA and the Investigatory Powers Tribunal (ITP).
I have one question, where are all those 'black' men, who claim they "Defend"? Busy, screwing their white approved social-workers, or white 'nurses', looking to offer "support" to these useless, self-hating Niggers.
Black people, it is time, that we both take an interest, and act as adults, in terms of Laws and legislation that directly affect our lives.
RIPA, is came about as a tool to attack the Black-English community, by the British government. Least we forget, many of our people lost their lives fighting for "the Motherland" of England, only to be insulted for their pains, by being treated under counter-terrorists laws, as "terrorists" and "dark strangers".
Unlike the asians, (who take an interest in their own lives and in things that will increase their communities economic power in parliament), Black-English people appear to be slap-dash and even lazy where these things are concerned.
This "crab-in-a-barrel" mentality has to stop.
Where are our solicitors, where are our barristers, where are our special Advocates (apart from me), etc?
Enough is Enough!
Its time Black-English people stop joking, and get real.