Race, Human Rights and International Law

Friday, 1 February 2013

Sick, Sadistic, Woman-hating, Child-Abusing, Sodomites - Dress Up As Women - For Their Perverted 'Fun'!

Mr Cummings
The 'fixated and Obsessed' White, Woman-hating, 

Sodomite of Parliament.
This drawing shows sick white Victorian 
man, wearing woman's brassieres, knickers, sanitary ware and stockings
in a sick bid to 'become'' female.

Frederick Park - pictured as Fanny - went to America with his banished brother Harry and died in New Jersey in 1881
"Fanny"! Young Boy Sodomite 'Convert'.
Picture of Mentally Disordered Godson of
 British Prime Minister - William Gladstone!

Stella, left, and Fanny, right, the two Victorian men who were arrested and charged with having sex with each other and also of several acts of conspiracy
 Two Grown White Sodomite Prostitutes
- One called "Fanny".

Perverts Hug-up whilst Dressing as woman.
Their intention - to go out at night, 

prostituting themselves and entrapping ('Converting') 
other men into sodomy! They wanted
 married men to leave their  wives and 
set up home in London's secret
Torture-Sodomy colony - VAUXHALL!

The trial of Fanny, right, and Stella, left, was considered Britain's first great legal squabble with homosexuality, but was forgotten as quickly as it became a sensation
Two British MP's - Sodomites.
Sodomite English MP's, peers,
members of the royal family and
Judges regularly prostituted
themselves and roamed the streets
of London  Killing women
and raping Straight men.
(e,g. Jack the Ripper).

Stella and Fanny, top right with croquet sticks, loved dressing up in resplendent women's clothes and going out in London society in the 19th century
All Sodomites
 Sick royal, Aristocratic and Political 

sodomites dress as women, and wish 
to sexually abuse children. Like modern 
day, sick, sadistic, sodomitic child 
abusing  Jimmy Savile - They just want 
to have fun!